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End Times
Do Not Fear the End Times Part 27: Drugs Are one of Satan’s Traps
Now is not the time to let our guard down
Satan doesn’t bait the hook for us with physical pain, but with physical pleasure. Otherwise, who would be trying and using drugs?

Hello Readers, hope all’s well. Today’s post is on the topic of drugs, a topic which appears a handful of times in the Bible. Drugs are a seductive calling of the flesh because of the pleasure they offer. But following the call of the flesh only leads to more sin, so we must not touch them. Besides, drugs are witchcraft.
I don’t have much else to say for an intro, so I’ll get straight into it.
Drugs Are Witchcraft
There are some passages in the CEB translation of the Bible that translate a certain Hebrew word as “drugs.” I won’t mention each one, but Revelation 9:21 is one of them.
(21) They didn’t turn away from their murders, their spells and drugs, their sexual immorality, or their stealing.
Revelation 9:21 (CEB)
I know nothing about the Hebrew language, but I’ve heard that one meaning of this Hebrew word being translated as “drugs” is witchcraft. In…